Romes Blog

Dividend Investing, Financial News, and my Personal Portfolio.


Monthly Interview Series

Hello Everyone, I am looking to start a new series where I interview people who invest and get their thoughts and opinions on the market. I would like to be able to do post two interviews a month and post them on Fridays. Would you or someone you know be interested in doing an interview for the blog? Each interview will have all of the person’s socials and websites. My goal is to help others but also help spread awareness to the person being interviewed.

My thought process behind the interviews is to help others invest or get into investing. I want to interview all walks of life when it comes to investing. Small or big, the size of your portfolio does not matter. I would like to talk to people who have at least a year of experience and get their thoughts and opinions. I feel like this could help the community out a lot.

The interviews would be text based. I would send a list of questions to you and once I get them back and go over there would send follow up questions to your answers. I would love to do this as a video call or phone call but my time is limited right now due to my job being short staffed. Text based is what I have to do for now. Though, I hope for this to change in the coming months as my employer is currently hiring.

For the time being, I might stock up on interviews so I can have a steady pool of posts that I can schedule. If this series takes off, I do not have to worry about getting an interview if I become busy again and missing a post.

Are there any questions you would like me to ask? Put them in the comments below.

If this is something you would be interested in, I would love to interview you. Please contact me at RomesBlog25(@)


Hello, my name is David and I have a passion for making money. But then again, who doesn't? I love the stock market because it gives you a chance to better yourself and your situation. My goal is to be financially free by the age of 55 so I can enjoy myself. Join me on my journey and learn a little bit along the way. Thanks for reading! DISCLAIMER – I am not a licensed tax advisor, lawyer or stock broker. I am simply a person who loves investing. Please consult a professional.

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